• Our company has the most advanced software equipment and juridical databases; with computers connected to internet, fixed and portable; ADSL lines; photocopier; scanner; printers; wireless telephones; fax; various email addresses and web site with diverse domains.

• A special mention for our web support team for the specific preparation of our page for a group of lawyers designed and maintained by MNProgram, national leader in the market with more than 30.000 consultants behind them.

• Within technical legality our company provides diverse Legislation databases of, Jurisprudence (Science of Law) and Legal Doctrine, which are daily used by Judges and Law Tribunals, as “on line” via Internet support or as DVD, with constant up to date state of the art technology.


• First, we will continue and improve on assistance services and legal advice for individual clients, with special emphasis on the
balance between efficiency of tools and the effectiveness of results. 

• With our continued experience, also at the level of Finca Administration, we hope to guarantee our legal services within the area of owner communities, real estate agencies, attorney-general bureaus, service and consulting attorneys, with a basic preventative design and as mediator, where the joint session is the avoidance of disputes.

• Another of our progressive supports is aimed at English speaking clients, of which not only are they very particular in our area, but our professionals are indebted to, and of which we will examine closely and dedicate attention to.

• Finally, we must not forget the importance of a well-aimed attack or a prepared defence in the legal frame of our work.

• In conclusion, we continue to serve a notable group of clients with loyalty, calm assurance, and serviced and informed with our very best treatment and know-how.